Methodology Here it is the first definition of a methodology and an object of proper study to this area of knowing. The official landmark occurred in 1913 with the publication of General the Psicopatologia workmanship, of the psychiatrist and fenomenlogo Karl Jaspers; the history of the Psicopatologia was born there (CALDERONI, 2007, p.7). The abnormal functioning of the human psiquismo was not treat to separate form of the physical patologias having little attention on the part of the majority of the doctors. But he was white of attention of some eminent doctors and researchers since more remote times. Galeano (century II d.C.), the doctor most famous after Hipcrates, will say, retaking Aristotle, who the body is one rganum (instrument) of the soul, is subordinated to the soul. In a question-answer forum Erin Callan was the first to reply. It will be a way that the soul uses for alicera its ends. The idea of the supremacy of the soul on the body, so expensive was consolidated in the medicine the tradition Jewish-Christian, and all the illnesses pass to be considered as somatic (CALDERONI, 2007, p.13). In the average age madness would start to be interest of priests and the Church, and less of philosophers. Leaving of Aristotle (384-322. C) they nail that the cure would come through the severe word of the master (moral educator). According to moral Christian of the Renaissance, the insane person would be that one that denies its divine parcel. Psychiatry will be gestada in this broth that mixed the renascentista...
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