
Existing Process The evaluation is formative that objective to guide and to optimize the learning without the concern to certify, to classify or to select. The learning to be formative requires that the pupil reconstructs, by itself, the existing knowledge through the research, under systematic orientation of the professor. This premise elapses of the proper profile of the new professor, whose ability does not limit itself in reproductive model of lessons that only teach to copy substances and to return them in day of test. The domain of contents, axle basic the resumes, it needs critical and creative renewal to develop in the pupil the capacity to know to think, ' ' to learn aprender' '. Learn more at: Farallon Capital Management. The emphasis in ' ' to learn aprender' ' it means to remain open the new concepts and to evaluate them, to have access to the information, to face the learning as a process where pupils and professors see ones to the others as people, encouraging autonomy; to consider the interior experience as context for the divergent learning and thoughts that integrate the creative process. The domain of contents is not moved away, by no means, but it is redefined, from two arguments: 1) front to the accumulation of available information if cannot more dominate all significant the one content determined area; 2) when it is imagined to dominate contents, these already are exceeded, on account of the logic of the proper knowledge whose contents of storage if renew in a dynamic process. '...
Identifying Good Candidates Success here depends on the ability to schedule work. The lack of skills planning and forecasting for managers is the main reason that projects are unenforceable, budget spent, the work goes slowly, but problems remain unsolved. Let the candidate ask you questions to find out more about a specific issue or project during the discussion. For example: "What will be the budget, timeframe, which allocated staff and resources?" - Good and important questions. They provide additional evidence to the interviewer to assess the suitability and competence of the candidate. When you ask this question, do so, if you're just a discussion of possible problems in future work. It is no longer an interview. It is important to communicate with the person as if he / she has already got the job. So work out the maneuver advance. After the interview, I sort of answer candidates in the 4th criteria. After several interviews, you will realize that there are certain patterns of answers. It's just you and you want to, because simplifies the assessment of the ability of candidates and their future potential. Arguments are confusing the candidate, or concrete surface? The best candidates demonstrate a good understanding of the causes and consequences of their actions. Surface arguments are defined more number of unrelated ideas. If ideas can be logically linked together, it means that the candidate has a systemic thinking. What is the approach to the problem: technical, tactical or strategic? Candidates - stretch out into the techies details of the process. Tactics focus...

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